Chanukah 2017 was a blast with Chanukah Parties for all ages and Menorah Lighting all over Northern Colorado.

 Please enjoy the photo albums and news articles below:

- Photo Albums -


Community Chanukah Party

Student Chanukah Party


Fort Collins Menorah Lighting

Loveland Menorah Lighting

Greeley Menorah Lighting

Estes Park Menorah Lighting

CSU Menorah Lighting


- News Articles -


Please click on links below or to view images of articles online click here 

Fort Collins - Coloradoan: 

'Light will overcome darkness': Community gathers for menorah lighting

 Loveland - Reporter Herald:

  Loveland celebrates Hanukkah with menorah lighting


Greeley - Greeley Tribune:

Public menorah lighting in downtown Greeley

CSU - Collegian:

  Chabad Jewish Student Organization, CSU student government to hold annual Menorah Lighting

  Estes Park - EP Trail Gazette:

 Estes lights the menorah