The annual Largest Jewish Event @ CSU!

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  Friday, October 20, 7pm

Colorado State University
Lory Student Center, Main Ballroom

 Join 300+ Jewish students, faculty and friends at the 16th annual largest Jewish event at CSU showcasing Jewish cuisine and tradtion. Enjoy a delicious 5 course Shabbat dinner prepared at the koshered CSU kitchen. An event you don’t want to miss...FREE! Bring your friends!

Guest of Honor - CSU Vice President Rick Miranda

Special Guest Speaker - renowned author, lecturer and comic - Simcha Weinstein


For more information please email [email protected] or call 858-354-2919
Dinner is free and open to all students, alumni, staff etc or young professional/post college/college aged. Family welcome. Community members welcome space depending and we ask they pay for their place. Spaces limited.
What is Shabbat 300?
Shabbat 150, or 500 or 1000, is a national Jewish event started 20 years ago that many colleges across America host. CSU is proud to join this tradition for the 14th time.
A project of Chabad Jewish Student Organization. Co-sponsored by ASCSU, LSC, RHA and Coca-Cola.
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