
Shabbat 500 Reservation Form

  • Shabbat 500 Reservation Form

    Friday, November 1st, 7pm at the Lory Student Center Main Ballroom
  • The largest Jewish event on campus with 500 students and community; a Shabbat Dinner showcasing Jewish cuisine and tradition. Educational, fun and meaningful.All welcome! FREE for students. Don't miss it!
  • *Attendance is completely free for full-time CSU or other university students and CSU faculty or staff. However hosting the Shabbat Dinner is costly, even with our sponsors, so we would appreciate if you or your parents are able to help defray our costs with a donation of any amount. Thank you!

  • Payment form (Secure form)

  • For community members unaffiliated with CSU or for parents and students to help defray our costs.

  • $0.00

    Credit Card
    To pay by check please address check to

    Chabad Jewish Center

    POB 271756, Fort Collins, CO 80527
    Billing Address

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